Yeah.we daily come across this adsense in almost all of the sites on the net.Literally speaking almost everyone on the net uses this as a source of income generator.But still it stand out at top position among all the ways of "How to earn from net" like online marketing.Anybody can suceed using "Adsense" where as this "Online marketing" can be done only by few experts.This adsense is a passive income generator means once established it generates income even when you are offline (of course you need to get a good traffic for your site to reach this position).This has helped people become rich by generating thousands of dollars daily.yet this is not a get rich scheme and one needs to put a lot of effort to reach that level.Let us see some of them who made it big using this adsense:-
1.Markus Frind - $3,00,000 per month :- Yeah you saw that right.Are you feeling the same what I had felt the first time,calculating in Indian rupees and imagining yourself in that position.He did all this from his apartment room.He is the creator of which is one of the largest dating sites online.
2.Kevin Rose - $2,50,000 per month :-This man is the creator of which is basically a social marketing site where users like u and me submit videos,articles and pictures to others.When your story gets liked by many they "digg it" and if you get enough diggs then it will be posted on their front page and it gets a lot of traffic.
3.Jeremy Schoemaker - $1,40,000 per month:-One can take this for a real inspiration.He is considered as one of the best marketer online.He doesn't have a single site like others which earn him millions of dollars yearly.Instead he earns money from net from hundreds of sites created by him.
4.Jason calacanics - $ 1,20,000 per month:-He is the creator of Weblogs.It is a collection of multiple no of blogs.He was making around 4,000$ a day from this.Eventually AOL bought this from him at a whooping price of (guess what) 25 million dollars.
5.David Miles Jr. and Kato Leonard - $1,00,000 per month :-They earned this much by just creating free web templates for Myspace users from their site
These are just some of the successful stories of many of them out there who are striking it rich using adsense.Many are there like Tim carter(ask the,Joel comm,shawn hogan(digital point)...and the list is ever increasing.They made it possible because of their belief in themselves and worked hard towards it and succeeded.Also most of them are not super techies.But what is important is that they tried whole heartedly.Its just amazing to see how from such small ideas they revolutionized the web industry.They has shown that creativity and hard work can get anyone there where they were today as an inspiration to budding web enterpreneurs.May be there are many who failed to make much in this stream but one doesnt know what can he do untill he tries.So take a lesson from their stories and set out in the WWW to create urself a chance to earn name and fame and most important for us-money.Welcome to World Wide Web.......